Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dont Ask....

Well...its a Thursday, and I'm about to get ready to go to my favorite class of the week. I feel kind of sluggish, I'm not sure if its because I'm ready for school to be out, or because I just ate....probably both. Well anyways, on a good note, I see that the military has finished their research on how being gay could affect their readiness in a combat environment. I personally feel like it took them that long just to p;lease those who felt they shouldn't allow gays in the military more time to cope with the fact that change was going to happen one way or another! I think it was long over due...all of this "we need to do tests" crap was just stupid in my opinion. Hopefully the courts, or congress will pass whats needed to for those who want to serve openly in the military can now do so.

But enough with politics, I have been staring at my new camera for some time now, and every time I look at the box I slowly start to undress it with my eyes lol....I really want to take pictures with it, and shoot HD videos and what not. I stay up all hours just on YouTube looking at others having fun with their canon SX20IS's as well as the specs, and I'm dying to use mine! I'll post some of the videos of the ones I love so you all can see how great the camera is =] well that's all for today. I have to shower and get ready for class.


Fireworks shot with the Canon SX30IS

Test Shots With the Canon SX30IS

Moon shot/zoom test with Canon SX30IS

Japan walk through with the Canon SX30IS