Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kanye West's - Runaway (Short Film)

Kanye West has a short film out titled "Runaway". It is a really nice short film and I have to say he gives the viewers/fans a nice inside look into the artistic mind of the music genius himself. The film is a musical, and its fairly interesting. I was left with the question, whats it about? I thought at first it could of been about him and his personal life clashing with his music life. Or perhaps his old self (before he made it) clashing with his new self (him up until the Taylor Swift incident) which I could see making total sense. And then I realized, he was probably talking about both! The video was really creative, and original in my opinion. I also get the feeling this is a look into his new album which if so, sounds like a beautiful album! I hope this film will be included in the special edition version of his album. If this is the result of him f****** up at the VMA's last year with Taylor Swift, then I'm glad to see the turn around! I think its done wonders for him, and I think its because he finally saw the person he had become from the person he once was...

This is the Beautiful bird in the film the "Phoenix"
Now for those who think this film is so strange its stupid...I totally could see how you could think so. Its really out there, and I'm sure that some of his fans who are fans of the graduation album and the ones that came before 808's and Heart Break will have issues with this short film...this might be a stretch too far for some fans...I personally love the film and all of his music. I feel like this is art at its best, when it becomes hard to grasp and leaves one thinking, "what the f***?". I think that this is Kanye at his best. All of his albums sound different, and are all different reflections of him at different times of his life and career! If you listened to 808, the stuff he did at the VMA's wasn't much of a surprise...that album in my opinion was him at a dark point in his life, just like graduation was him happy and accepting his fame and glory and all he had achieved so far in his music career. This video seems to show that Kanye is at a point in his life were he knows now that he let so much get to him, and change him...I consider this the realization period  or, the turn around period.

Well that's pretty much my thoughts on this film, and Mr. West. I loved the film, and I hope to hear and see more wonderful things from him.

You can watch the film here: Kanye West - Runaway (Full length short film)

What are your thoughts on the short film? Was it a little out there? Was it stupid? Was it awesome? Tell me what you think =]


  1. This was a good piece of visual work caught me off guard.

  2. He always seems to make entertaining art.
