Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Willow Smith Kills Bieber!!!!

Ok, well I would like to first start off by saying that I'm no Bieber hater by far, I think he's a talented young artist who in time I hope to see mature into something nice. On the other hand, Willow Smith is killing it with her hot new single, "Whip my hair". She has been getting CRAZY attention from the media, as well as fans and for some odd reason, TONS of haters. At the age of nine, Willow has started her music carrier to what seems to be a great start. Her new single hit me instantly, and the video had me from the start! Being that I am a music producer, looking at it from a producers stand point, I would have to say that the producers, song writers, and A&R's involved did a BEAUTIFUL job creating this song and displaying her talent! The beat gives you that griddy dance feel from the start, and the chorus....ahhhh, the chorus, if you weren't sold on the beat from the start, then the chorus doomed you! But really, the song is a really hype song, and it really shows exactly what she's capable of.

Now for the "haters" part. I don't understand how so many people can hate on this little girl for doing what she loves to do! I have read blog posts, and watched many video blogs about how her song sucks, she's not talented at all because she's using auto tune (which she's not), her parents are bad for forcing her to do things in the entertainment world, thus robbing her of her "childhood". I understand that some wont like her for their own reasons, and that everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what ever it may be, but really? The kind of language used when talking about her is somewhat disturbing to say the least! And trust me, I'm no angle when it comes to shit talking, seriously! But enough of that..."haters" will be "haters", and life will go on...

For those who haven seen the video yet, or heard the song, you can check it on Vevo, or YouTube, I HIGHLY recommend it! I'll post the link here ->
Check it out, and if you like what you hear, show her some support! I hear that her song is set to debut on itunes October 26th, I plan on downloading it the day it comes out. I can already picture the awkward gazes I plan to get when I pull up to a red light in my dodge pick up bumpin her song while lipping "I whip my hair back and forth" lol

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