Monday, October 25, 2010

T.I. Wont Be Charged in latest Drug Arrest!!!

I'm working on some new music for an artist and I decided to take a break and check out today's latest entertainment gossip/stories. So I hopped on twitter and come across a post that read "T.I. Wont Be Charged in L.A. Drug Arrest!!!". Instantly I'm like wtf? How? So I jump on the link and did some more research and found that TMZ reports that the L.A. County District Attorney has rejected the drug case pending from his arrest last month due to legal problems with the case.

It turns out that the D.A's Office chose not to go forward with charges because he has already been sentenced to prison because the arrest was a violation of his federal probation. the Police stated that there was significant legal issues over probable cause which led them to arrest the rapper. Cops claimed they had smelled marijuana but did not book any into evidence, and said that he was pulled over after making an illegal U-turn prior to any registration check! Sadly he is still expected to serve out his 1 year sentence due to the arrest being a violation of his parole.

I personally believe they had it out for him because if Paris Hilton, and Lindsay Lohan can do what they do and get a slap on the wrist...that just goes to show you how full of S*** things can be! I hope they reconsider the sentence and either dismiss it, or shorten the sentence by ALOT! I know there are some who may feel different........So let me know what you think! Should they let him go? Lock him up and throw away the key? What do you think!

Link to the site info -> TMZ <-T.I. Wont Be Charged in L.A. Drug Arrest

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