Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Prop19 Fails!!! =[

Its a sad day for pot smokers, or those who like the idea of Cali going green. Proposition 19 took a hit 56% saying no to 44% saying yes. I honestly thought that California would say yes to the idea of a new way to generate income, thus digging themselves out of that 12 billion dollar hole they currently sit in, not to mention the money saved on legal fee's associated with breaking in houses and arresting and locking people up over it.

Forget that it would be economically beneficial to the state, it would also be a model to other states if done right, on just how stereotypes mislead people into thinking weed is something its not...Its safer than cigarettes, alcohol and crack, or cocaine! You can still function while on it, You don't see things that aren't there...and you wont be tempted to commit crimes while on it. With so many people for it, I honestly expected it to win, but it goes to show you what happens when those who believe in something don't go out and vote!

[Sigh] I guess this means another 2 years before marijuana can have another chance to be taken out of its taboo context, and brought to light, as alcohol once was after prohibition ended....