Thursday, November 11, 2010

Call Of Duty Blacks Ops

So its the night of the greatest game release of the year. I'm driving to the Game Stop that I usually go to to pick my games up from, and I'd like to state for the record that I got there 2 and half hours before the game was to come out at midnight. So as I pull up I realized that the long group of people rapped around the corner is the line of people waiting for the game to be released too! So on my LONG walk to the back of the line, I hear others talking in the gamers spirit about how they plan to kill all the noobs and campers, and rank in the top ten...etc. As all of this takes place, one of the Game Stop employees walks up to me and asks if I got my highlighted ticket? And as he noticed the unfamiliar look come over my face, he then stated that it would be impossible to get my game with out it. So now I'm making my way to the front door, as I go in and get my ticket, I come back to find that the line has grown and to my amazement, my spot was lost in the crowd, so off to the end I go AGAIN! 

The minutes are ticking down now, and I can finally picture myself playing COD as clear as day with in the next hour. The doors open and the line starts to really move. As people come out and head to their cars, the sound of screeching tires fill the air as dozens of people run to their cars almost as a way to show how serious they were about getting home asap to play the game. So I finally go in, get my game, and head home. I put it in and as usual, the game grabs me! For hours I played as if I hadn't a care in the world. Lucky for me, I had no classes that day, so I played ALL day, and ALL night. The game feels as though they took COD World at War, and COD ModernWarfare2 and merged them into one! The game feels greater than any other COD game I have played to date. It feels WAY smoother than the last 2. I also like that new customization features as well as the new currency setup. Being able to buy stuff like red dots for your weapons without having to kill a thousand people with the previous accessory really helps! The maps are WAY better, and bigger.  I love this game so far and I haven't played half the game modes in it yet. I hear that the Zombie mode is Sick! I don't think I'll get much sleep this weekend. 


  1. So far best game!!! and the mini games are even better :] [not really but kinda.]

  2. lol yeah, its awesom!!!e =] We need to play some time! lol maybe some zombie, or perhaps kicking some ass online is more your style =P

  3. Lol i suck at online play.. but im pretty good at zombies :] so far iv gotten to 13 and the dogs SUCK

  4. lol its the reversed for me lol I suck at zombie's but BEAST in online =] I have only made it to like level 6 in zombie's =P You should check out my vid I put together...i'll post the link on my blog now =] Oh and tell me what you think of the song I used for it...its an original song my other producer made...we are just looking for feedback lol

  5. lol its in my newest post lol...but here, i'll just put the link in this comment =]

  6. Good! Im glad you like it lol Now you seen my skills =P but yeah, what did you think of the music?

  7. i liked it. i thought it went well with your amazing game skills :D

  8. lol Thanks =] Im glad to hear that! I cant wait to play...I have going crazy with all this school work! I haven't played any COD all week =[ After Tuesday im playing all day everyday for the whole week! lol i'll probably make some more video's too. You should make some =]
