Sunday, November 28, 2010

I cant feel my face...

Sorry for being away so long. School has been kicking my ass now for the past week, and for a second I didn't think I was going to make it! Well, on a good note, I bought the new Kanye West album, and I love it! It is different ,and more unique than I'm used to hearing from him. I also bought a new camera =] Its a Canon SX30IS ...the one with the 14 mega pixel 35x zoom point and shoot SLR hybrid one lol. Though I want to open it and use it right this minute...Its a gift to myself and plan to wait until Christmas, if that's possible. I have also been on Black Ops a lot! The more I play, the more I realize how addicting that game is lol. I played it 2 days straight with some friends to release the build up of stress from having to study and take an sociology exam, write a 10 minute speech, and a 9 page review on a documentary all in the span of 3 days! I had headaches for 3 days after all was said and done. I wish schools and teachers would get together  and plan together their agenda's or something, because sometimes getting hit with so much shit to do for 4 or 5 different classes all at the same time is just ridiculous! That makes having a life if not non existent, just about impossible! [Sigh] well...I guess its back to school stuff...